Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicity: A Journey of Reflection

Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicity: A Journey of Reflection
I’m currently enrolled in a course designed to help me go deeper within myself. I started a little late—a few weeks after the yearly course began—so I had some catching up to do. Yesterday, I finally got up to speed with the content and felt prepared to join the live class. But when the facilitator mentioned splitting into private groups, I instinctively hit the exit button before my mind could negotiate with my body.
I wasn’t intimidated or scared I just didn’t feel like peopling. But is that right? I had spent the morning deeply immersed in catching up on the classwork and was in a reflective space. Sometimes, we don’t know why we make our choices, and I’m okay with that. But I couldn’t seem to let this go. It felt like something was to be gleaned from this moment. I’ve learned to trust my inner wisdom and pay attention to what emotions are present in the moment. At that time, I felt calm and resolved. I knew I could watch the playback later, catch up on my own time, and savor what I had already unpacked that morning. Could it be that simple?
Being in Receiving Mode
This morning, I had a revelation about my own energy: when I’m deeply engaged in work—writing, answering questions, reflecting—I’m often in a receiving mode rather than a transmitting mode. When we were asked to break into smaller groups for discussions, I wasn’t in the right headspace to share or be seen; I needed time to absorb rather than project.
This got me thinking, and maybe it’s obvious to others, but this was a valuable insight for me. There are times when I want to be seen and times when I just need to be—to reflect and recharge. Recognizing this can help me manage my energy for upcoming meetings or social events. For example, before attending “peopling” activities, it would be best if I didn’t do any writing, studying, or research beforehand to have optimal energy and be in the best heart space to meet and mingle with others. This makes me available for making connections. Note taken: if you’re ever feeling the pressure to perform, remember it’s okay to honor where you are in your process.
As part of the program, the instructor invited us to choose a symbol of wisdom for our journey. She suggested Buddha, a jewel, or an owl. But here’s where it gets interesting—how do you feel about synchronicity?
The Owl That Chose Me
Unbeknownst to me, I had already chosen my wisdom symbol. The previous week, I was drawn to an unusual ring while meeting a new friend in a small town on Main Street and perusing the various shops for tea, antiques, and unique gifts. It was an owl—staring right at me. From beak to tail, it stretched about an inch long, its feathered wings wrapping around my finger as if hugging it. Or, looking at it now, peering at me like it’s getting ready to dive upon prey.
The store owner told me it symbolized wisdom and intuition. At the time, I just thought it looked cool. Fast-forward to my class, and when the instructor asked us to choose a symbol, the answer was obvious—my owl had already chosen me.
As I was dictating notes for this message, an owl began to “who” nearby. I have walked during these hours and on these roads for years and can only recall hearing an owl one other time. Come on, that’s crazy kismet, right? Well, I’m not done. Let’s keep moving.
Are You Seeing the Signs?
If you’ve read my book Wholly Sober, you’ve seen how I once misread a sign—or maybe I just outright ignored it. I think the latter, but anyway… A car appeared out of nowhere and stopped directly in front of me. For a moment, I questioned if it was a sign to turn around, but I pressed forward anyway. That decision led me straight into the path of Prince Harming, who terrorized me for over two years.
Let’s play with this idea. If you’re looking for signs, how do you know they are signs? Do we only recognize signs that fit our narrative? But what if we’re not looking—just browsing a gift shop when a particular object calls to us? Is that a seed for something more? Does that heighten our awareness of that specific object, and we take more notice when we are asked to pick a symbol limited to three, and that object is one of them? Do you see where I’m going?
And what do these signs mean? That I’m on the right path? That I should trust my intuition? That I need to pay attention to MY wisdom? Or is it all just a coincidence?
The Web of Connection
Maybe everything is connected in a way we can only see when we pause. If we don’t create space for reflection and to receive, we may miss the interconnectedness of things. But if we hold onto a clue, even one as simple as an owl-shaped ring, it can have the potential to open our hearts to deeper revelations or spur new ideas.
Are signs like clues? Like breadcrumbs leading us somewhere?
Following the Breadcrumbs
Someone once told me that I wanted to be famous. After all, she pointed out, why else would I have submitted an audition tape to Oprah? And sure, when I was a little girl, I watched beauty pageants and pretended to participate. I would twirl and dance, imagining the admiration of an audience.
If we psychoanalyze the latter, maybe it stemmed from my childhood—being abandoned by my father and having a mother battling her own struggles. Maybe I just wanted to be wanted. Don’t we all?
At the time, I thought maybe they were right about me wanting to be famous. But I kept getting in my own way. I was fine taking the lead and bringing people together, but I wasn’t so good at being the center of attention. If I had followed the breadcrumbs of appreciating holding space for others, the creative and profound inner work, and finding tremendous joy in watching a woman come into her light, I would have realized sooner that what truly made me happy wasn’t the recognition—it was the impact I was making in other people’s lives—connecting them to themselves so they could connect better to others. Thereby expanding their love and contribution and providing a ripple effect.
Now, I know—I don’t want to be famous. The idea of having all eyes on me is terrifying. I want to be impactful. I want my legacy to matter. I want my experiences to help someone else suffer less. Instead of following the breadcrumbs, I stopped at what seemed obvious and put more power into what someone else said over me. I thought attention was the goal, but I was wrong.
Breaking Free from Fear and Resistance
When you take the lead on “never before,” like suggesting alcohol is not the problem for many, it’s a long, lonely, and, at times, frustrating road. My work often meets resistance because it contradicts “what’s always been.” My mindset and philosophy are more often questioned than accepted, and I believe many people suffer needlessly because their minds and hearts aren’t open to other possibilities. This is mainly because they are told not to trust themselves – “Their best thinking got them where they are.” This creates limitations and doubts.
For example, women struggling with their weight often fear the health consequences. Those dealing with alcohol misuse fear hurting themselves or others. The women I coach are usually far from rock bottom, yet they still grapple with fear. But let’s be clear—it doesn’t take a 30-night binge to have an accident. You don’t eat enough calories to gain 30 pounds overnight. Sometimes, it’s just two drinks and a momentary lapse in judgment or one taste of cake that signals you cannot trust and lose faith in yourself. Someone may say a limiting, fixed, doubt-filled mindset leads to unhealthy habits and a sense of feeling trapped, helpless, and hopeless. That someone is me.
I’m not here to minimize the risks—I’m here to invite you to reconnect with your light, and all that is right about you. I know there is more right than what you would call wrong. I know it!
Following the Signs
I have committed to learning and growing, working with other coaches and healers, and continuously expanding to my fullest potential. I believe that possibilities reveal themselves when we follow the signs, find our symbols, and open our hearts and minds. We learn to see the world, life, and ourselves differently.
One of the most powerful ways I’ve witnessed this unfold is by inviting women to take the pen and explore their concerns, lives, womanhood, and dreams. Tell her story without judgment, shame, or regret. There’s no growth in self-harm, but there is tremendous healing in exploring our experiences with kindness, compassion, and self-care.
It may seem small, but in over a decade of coaching, I’ve found it to be one of the most potent tools for transformations a woman can experience. The moment she releases the weight of shame and regret; she becomes open and able to receive newfound freedom to dream and do.
Trusting the Magic of Synchronicity
Last week, I shared about Sodalite, a gemstone that called to me at a women’s circle. It was random and unintentional, but it turned out to align with who I am and what I do when asked what it brought up for me. This week, I was asked to identify a wisdom symbol, only to realize I had already found a watchful, finger-hugging owl in a by-chance gift shop in a small town I was only in because of a friend I met at that very same woman’s circle the week before.
Maybe you’ve had moments like this—where life feels like it’s nudging you toward something greater. Maybe the signs have always been there, waiting for you to pause and notice them. What do you need to get still?
So, I invite you to look around. What symbols are appearing in your life? What patterns are revealing themselves? What have you been drawn to without realizing why? What is calling to you now?
Sometimes, all you need to do is trust the magic of synchronicity—and be open to the wisdom waiting for you to tap into it.
About the Author
Teresa Rodden is passionate about helping women find their voice and embrace their freedom through writing. As the author of Wholly Sober and a coach for over fifteen years, she has guided countless women in escaping limiting labels and beliefs. Utilizing a proprietary writing assessment process, she empowers women to explore their stories, reconnect with their truth, and learn to love themselves first—so they can love fully and live with purpose. Through her work, she helps women break free from destructive narratives and step into the limitless possibilities of their own becoming.
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