Before you drink think PINK blog post imageBefore you drink, Think PINK


Focusing your energy on who you want to be, what you want to do, and how you want to live.

Be inspired by



Possibilities to


I can honestly tell you that my future self was the possibilities that pulled me through facing homelessness, not one but three bankruptcies, no transportation, and being a single mom. Alcohol didn’t get me to this point; it just helped me ignore what was happening.



Become aware of the Intentions behind your thoughts, action, and choices.

Be Intentional about going after the life you want and don’t just settle. Oh, goodness, NEVER SETTLE. That’s what kept me drunk!

I knew I would have to change how I perceived, interacted, and responded to life moving forward. I was no longer the same woman who ignored the problems and the pain.


N is for Neuroplasticity

A fancy word for your brain has the capacity to change. You are not forever who you are today.

It will take time, intention, and practice to change your habit, but YOU CAN DO IT!

I enacted the same philosophy when I quit drinking in 2003 that I had when I quit smoking in 1999. I changed my routine. I mean, the simple, things like when and where I had my first cup of coffee in the morning. What route I drove to work. What door I went in. I started walking and jogging daily. Little did I know ALL of these little things were setting my brain up for neural pathway success!


K is for Kindness

NEVER berate, guilt, or shame yourself!

Doing so causes pain and pain leads to the need to misuse alcohol.

I hold space for so many people who have forgotten what lovely and beautiful beings they are. Kindness matters always but especially when you don’t think you deserve it. Judging and scolding yourself is like picking at a wound and never allowing it to heal.


Watch for more P.I.N.K. videos and ways to explore sober possibilities for YOU!

Visit the new Pink Cloud Coaching YouTube channel for more videos.


Before you drink, Think PINK.